Monday, November 12, 2007

A Howling Mouse?

Onychomys leucogaster : the northern grasshopper mouse. This may look just like any other rodent, but the grasshopper mouse is special. As its name implies, it feasts on grasshoppers, but also eats other invertebrates like scorpions, and even other mice! The grasshopper mouse apparently emits a skunky smell when captured. But maybe the strangest thing of all is that it howls. Just like a wolf. This probably serves the purpose of defending territory. The mouse sits back on its haunches, lifts its head, and belts out an incredibly high-pitched squeak. To hear the howl and learn more about this stinky, carnivorous, howling mouse, click here:

Friday, November 2, 2007

America Recycles Day

November 15th is America Recycles Day! Visit the official America Recycles Day website to learn more about recycling and learn about any activities taking place where you live.

It's important to note that the "3 R's"--Reduce, Reuse, Recycle-- are purposefully listed in that order. More important that recycling is reducing and reusing. Yes, recycling saves trees and keeps non-biodegradable material out of landfills, but it does require a lot of energy and resources. The first step we take should be to reduce our consumption (i.e. take only one paper towel from the dispenser in public bathrooms; or, don't buy those Lunchable meals that are encased in all that plastic) and save anything that can be used again (i.e. use glass jam or jelly jars to can your own food; or print on the blank side of used office paper).

That said, go out and celebrate America Recycles Day on November 15th, and find out where you can recycle in your own town!

Weird and Wacky

Since it was just Halloween, we'll highlight two dark and mysterious creatures this post: the Dumbo Octopus and the Vampire Squid. These cephalopods live far down in the ocean's depths.
According to the Discovery Channel, "The deep-sea "Dumbo" octopus got its nickname from obvious places, but the benthic cephalopod Grimpoteuthis is equipped with large fins (which may resemble mammalian ears) to help it swim."

The other crazy cephalopod is the vampire squid, whose scientific name (Vampyroteuthis infernalis) means "vampire squid from hell". It has very large eyes: proportionately the largest eye size to body size ratio of any animal in the world ( The vampire squid does not expel ink like other squid, but has organs called photophores all over its body that can produce clouds of luminescent particles which glow anywhere from 2-9 minutes. When alarmed, the vampire squid can fold its tentacles inside out over its body and head, displaying spines on the inside of its tentacles.